Thursday 24 March 2016

Five Dock hot water repair

Five Dock in hot water
A broken hot water system is a disaster in any household, so if yours breaks down you want to get it fixed as fast as possible. If you live in Five Dock, this can be done by engaging the help of a professional Five Dock electrician. Hot water is vital for showering, bathing, doing the dishes, cleaning, and other tasks around the home so if your hot water system breaks down, it can cause great inconvenience. Get it repaired as quickly as possible by calling a Sydney hot water repair expert. All makes and models can be repaired or replaced in the worst case scenario. 

There are several things that can go wrong with a hot water system such as leakages, damaged elements, thermostat problems, and a loss of pressure, just to name a few. The repairer will perform a thorough diagnostic in order to isolate the problem and determine what is needed for repair. They will discuss this with you as well as outlining all of the associated costs. Ensure that your repairer provides a warranty or guarantee on the work that they undertake.  

I received a late night call a few weeks ago from Caleb who lived in a Five Dock apartment and needed a Five Dock electrician.  He asked if I was available to come out to check his hot water system as it seemed to have sprung a leak.  I arrived at the property a little after midnight and went to the apartment.  Caleb answered the door and I could immediately tell that it was a little more than a “small” leak.  The entire tiled area and the carpet was flooded and it was like a sauna with the amount of steam in the room.  I turned the water off and the power from the switchboard to make sure that everyone was safe with no risk of being electrocuted.  I then helped Caleb mop up some of the water and he asked about the likelihood of the hot water system being fixable.  

After having a good look at the hot water system which was located under the kitchen bench, I was not able to deliver good news.  The tank had completely ruptured and Caleb was going to need a new hot water system.  The neighbour from downstairs had now also turned up at the front door because her kitchen had flooded.  I got busy fixing everything up that I could so that Caleb’s apartment would be liveable until the new hot water system arrived and Caleb and his neighbour set about making arrangements to contact the body corporate building insurance for the water damage. I returned a few days later to install the new hot water system and the water damage crew were there vacuuming the water and drying the carpet.  

It is important to remember that if you have an internal hot water system that is leaking, turn the power off at the meter box for the hot water system (it is generally on its own circuit) and then turn the tap off to the system to stop the supply of water.  Be mindful of any other electrical items that may be in the area such as TV’s, radios, refrigerators etc and turn them off and unplug at the wall if necessary. If any water has leaked, ensure that the area is dry prior to turning the other appliances back on.  If you need a replacement hot water system or a repair on a hot water system, call the Sydney Local Electricians team on 0415 11 66 22 or contact us

Sydney Local Electricians

FIve Dock Electrician
Electrician Five Dock
Sydney Electrician
Electrician Sydney

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